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A Multi-Billion Dollar Chinese Automaker Needs Instant Results!


This $2 billion dollar publicly-traded Chinese automaker was set to debut an unmanned vehicle at the Detroit Auto Show, and with just two weeks left, they had not received any notable media coverage. They had a goal of five noteworthy media placements and 50 people at their press conference.


We developed a compelling PR campaign that presented the company and executive we worked with as global innovators (despite it being a crowded space) and as a result 200 reporters came to their press conference and 75 media placements were landed. Campaign results were exceeded by 300 percent and 1,400 percent respectively.

Real Estate

A Pre-Revenue Company Tries to Demonstrate Its Potential and Ascendant Efforts Play Direct Role in Securing a 75 Million Dollar Contract


This early stage real estate development company built a technology arm with proprietary intellectual property that will allow them to revolutionize the industry. However, nobody had ever heard of them.


We developed a campaign to present the company as North America’s most innovative real estate company and a global leader in building with shipping containers. We also highlighted their connection with the lightning rod of Detroit. As a result, they attracted $300 million in potential projects, more investors, and gained instant credibility as a new innovator in the real estate industry.  Ascendant’s efforts directly led to closing a 75-million-dollar contract, a compelling social media platform, and exposure on HGTV, USA Today, ABC News.

NBA Athlete

A Former #5 NBA Draft Pick Seeks to Become A Champion in Business


A former #5 NBA draft pick overcame a career ending knee injury with a product he created to get back into the league.  Ultimately, he was so successful that he decided to continue building his business instead of returning to his playing career.


We developed a campaign that highlighted the sad reality that 70 percent of retired athletes are broke within five years due to their struggles with chronic pain. We presented his rehabilitation product as the solution. Within six months, national distribution increased by 700 percent and his sales increased by 2,000 percent!  Ultimately a division of the company was sold off to a publicly traded entity.

Swedish CEO

A Swiss CEO Seeks Validation in The U.S. For a Unique Business


We worked with the CEO of a financial services organization specializing in socially-responsible investing hedge funds. The challenge? They had a good presence in Europe but were virtually unknown with minimal market share in the U.S. 


We developed a campaign to explain common missteps and myths about socially-responsible investing. The outcome? Geneva’s philosophies were featured in major media outlets such as Wall Street Journal, The Street and Forbes, vastly increasing credibility and exposure in the U.S.

Senior Executive

A Senior Executive at a Fortune 50 Company


As Dell’s first-ever VP of Global Consumer Innovation, our client needed to grow his brand visibility. 


We created and developed a brand as “The Consummate Executive.” This included securing a national book deal, showcasing his unique expertise. Ascendant also organized an international book tour which included paid engagements in three countries and several universities. Later, when this executive launched his own business, we helped him earn the honor of receiving the “Texas Small Business of the Year” award.

Doctor's Clinic

A healthcare organization with a mission to help patients in underserved communities seeks visibility and brand awareness.

Doctor Using Digital Tablet


A healthcare organization with locations across New York City wanted to continue expanding and specializing their services to create accessible and affordable healthcare for the most vulnerable and underserved communities. The organization needed to gain media attention and increase their visibility in order to spread awareness of their services.

Image by Accuray


We obtained a reach of 3.8 million across social media platforms, increased web traffic with double digit growth, secured Newsweek and Fast company contributors as well as obtained media coverage from News 12, WPIX 11, and more to raise awareness of their healthcare centers. The Founder’s thought leadership and expertise was quoted in both local outlets and healthcare trades, expanding the company’s visibility on a broader level. We crafted press releases and pitch angles to promote ongoing partnerships and leveraged local news outlets to promote their upcoming charitable and community events.

Image by Patrick Fore

New York Times Best-Selling Author Looking to Fast Track Visibility to Launch His School of Leadership

Image by Jess Bailey


New York Times best-selling author, movie producer and pastor, started an online school to help provide relevant training for professionals. The school needed to fast-track its visibility for a powerful launch.

Pages of Book


We introduced the client to numerous strategic partnerships and exposed the organization to millions of potential students with a high-profile PR campaign featuring spokesperson, Dr. Steve Perry. The result? Exposure to an audience of nearly 50 million!

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm

US Patent Attorney and Co-Founder of an AI Driven Patent Forecasting Site Seeks Brand Awareness.



Patent Attorney, CEO and co-founder of a patent forecasting platform needed to grow brand awareness.

Image by Patrick Fore


She advised a congressman and the Senate of Small Business Committee on IP, and we booked speaking engagements for Drexel Business School, Joseph Business School, and Association for Corporate Growth, developed multiple educational, awareness, and interview-style videos, secured over 30 media placements, and helped attain The World’s Leading IP Strategist, IAM Strategy 300.

Image by Fabrizio Conti

Emmy-Nominated Actor Looking to Grow his Life’s Purpose by Inspiring Men Towards Healthy Manhood

Image by Tim Foster


An industry veteran and multiple Emmy-nominated actor wanted to grow his life’s purpose of inspiring men to discover their paths towards healthy manhood.

Image by Todd Quackenbush


We secured a book deal, helped marketing his book that is selling tens of thousands of copies to date, increased his Facebook following from 0 to 1000, designed a media kit and website, attained interviews with celebrities Will Smith, Halle Berry, and Kevin Hart, and secured an interview with The View.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

CEO of a Global Leadership Development and Training Company Seeking Visibility

Image by Nastuh Abootalebi


With a passion about helping those who don’t have the privilege, background, or resources to be fully prepared to engage in effective conversations, this CEO wanted to expand his reach.

Image by Christina @


We developed a brand strategy that provided new revenue channels, established multiple strategic partnerships contributing to the development of a new line of business projecting to be on the 7-figures, increase his Facebook following from 0 to 9,000, and secured dozen of industry related media placements like, Forbes Contributor, Fast Company contributor, California Business Journal, Black Enterprise, and multiple TV appearances.

Leadershp Development
Image by fabio

Former Supply Chain CEO Looking to Grow New Business and Expand His Brand



Former CEO of a leading supply chain company decided to create his own fast-growing AI product and services firm. As an innovator and investor, he wanted to grow his business and expand his personal brand.

Image by Julian Hochgesang


We developed a personal and company-wide brand strategy, increased qualified pipeline by 30%, secured magazine cover, TV placement, awards, and media placements to industry leading publications like Huffpost, Business Today, Inc, and American Business Journal, attained Fast Company and Forbes Contributor, hosted multiple forums with executives from John Hopkins Healthcare, General catalyst, CNN, Bayne, and Roc Nation, generated seven-figure leads for his business, and grew his Facebook following to 40,000.

Image by Joshua Sortino

A leading supply chain company looking to specialize in helping businesses master digital transformation.

Image by Adi Goldstein


A supply chain company wanting to shine as specialists within supply chain digitization rather than as generalists. Their executive team is experienced but requires media visibility to build a stronger reputation. 

Image by JJ Ying


We took advantage of the fact that supply chain challenges are being discussed more than ever due to recent world events and executed multiple PR campaigns. We secured various media placements including Washington Post and Business Insider articles and secured Forbes and Newsweek contributor status for two executives. We developed social media content for two executives, representing the company brand as thought leaders in the supply chain industry.

Supply Chain

A nonprofit worship center looking to gain further visibility and expand their ministries reach.

Image by Jeroen Bendeler


A pastor built a nontraditional multicultural worship center in the southeast. Since then, the ministry has grown quickly with additional campuses launched throughout the state. With a passion for transforming people, organizations and the world, the pastor wanted to gain further visibility and expand his ministries reach.

Image by Pascal Debrunner


We developed a brand strategy that provided increased website traffic and bookings, ranked his book as #3 on 800-CEO-Read’s “What Corporate America is Reading” business best seller list and in the top 25 for the entire Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites, secured National bestseller status with Publisher’s Weekly, and secured industry related media placements like Fox News, CNBC, Fast Company, American Express Open Forum, Home Business Magazine, Business News Daily and The Tom Joyner Morning Show.

Image by Irina Iriser

CEO looking to sustainably grow railway manufacturing company and increase media visibility.

Image by Jake Weirick


This CEO of a railway manufacturing company is an expert in accelerating and sustaining large corporation growth but seeks help obtaining a stronger media and brand presence.

Image by Ananth Sozhan


To increase brand visibility, we secured placements in leading media and industry outlets, including FOX Business, Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Bloomberg, AMA, Europe Business Review,, and The Wall Street Journal.


A biotechnology company looking for brand visibility and raising awareness of the looming threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Lab Experiments


A biotechnology company that conducts leading edge research to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria seeking increased brand visibility.

Test Tubes


We executed multiple PR campaigns, securing media placements such as New York Times, Fortune, Business Wire, Healthline and an interview by California Life HD, a network reaching upwards of 50-million houshoulsing, including ABC, FOX, NBC and CBS. We also managed social media for executive branding and thought leadership and developed a professional media kit to showcase their company.

Natural Beauty Products

A pharmaceutical company looking to establish a corporate brand identity and a strong online presence.

Image by freestocks


A pharmaceutical company had developed two very compelling innovations and needed support in developing a corporate brand identity, generating media attention, setting up social media, and creating strategic relationships.

Image by Roberto Sorin


We started with a brand strategy and then from there developed three websites, built a social presence, secured major media, and obtained a 25 million dollar business deal that provided a 10X ROI. In addition, we created branding assets that have proved helpful for brand awareness and recognition as well as strategic advice on positioning.

Image by DrawKit Illustrations

A platform in the cryptocurrency space seeks brand visibility.

Image by Nick Chong


A DeFi platform specialized in providing security against hackers and threats in the crypto space is looking to increase buzz surrounding their capabilities.

Image by André François McKenzie


To boost brand visibility, we secured a Cointelegraph contributorship and obtained media placements in print, online TV and podcast, including Yahoo, ABC’s The Morning Blend, Venture Beat, Bloomberg, Afrotech, Hollywood Times and Dale Carnegie Training podcast. During our collaboration, the platform also signed a partnership with LMFAO’s Redfoo.

Image by Patrick Lindenberg

Data security company seeking an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) needed increased visibility to gain investors.

Image by Markus Spiske


A data security company seeking an ICO needed Ascendant to raise their brand awareness by securing media placements and bringing in potential investors.

Image by Taylor Vick


Our work helped with a 50 million ICO raise in less than 60 days and over 15 media placements, including MFR Tech,  Immigrant Magazine and Zahir News.

Data Security
Abstract Background

A web3 company that specializes in NFT projects and the metaverse looking to grow their community.

Image by JJ Ying


A web3 company that creates non-fungible tokens (NFTs) was looking to grow their community, increase project share price and incorporate major launches to help drive engagement. 

Image by NASA


We created a marketing campaign with focused messaging to drive interest from the NFT and general market community, secured Venture Beat and media placements in print, online TV and podcast as well as attained contributor status for Cointelegraph.  This web3 company capitalized on the momentum sold of 4.8M in NFT’s.


Two C-Level executives who work to humanize the future of work look to expand their executive brands to help grow the business by 3X



Chief People Officer and Chief Legal Officer for an HR technology company that is humanizing the future of work, have both helped strategically drive multiple companies from the ground up. They work with HR leaders and senior management executives worldwide to help build a workplace where every employee feels recognized, respected and appreciated for who they are and what they do. They wanted to grow the business and expand their personal brands.

Business Discussion


We obtained two book deals with over 120,000 books sold which received USA Today Best Selling Author. We collectively grew their Facebook pages from 3,000 to 55,000 followers, conducted compelling photo shoots, designed two websites and obtained regular opportunities for both to write on Forbes.. We secured media with Washington Post, USA Today, NBC’s Today Show, Maria Shriver, Boston Globe, Tamron Hall Show, and Forbes, and the CHRO interviewed Michelle Obama. During our partnership their company has grown beyond 300 million in revenue.

Human Resources
Image by Jessica Lewis

Leading communications training company seeks brand growth support and representation to publish multiple books



A leading communications and leadership training company sought support in growing their business and publishing a book.


Ascendant was hired for multiple areas. PR for the CEO and the company. The goal was to help transition from being an in-person training company to being more well-known for our technology solutions.

Image by Robert Anasch


Ascendant generated over 100 media placements, some key strategic partnerships, and social reach in the millions, and saw some great business growth. Ascendant also played a key role in helping us reshape the vision for it to be more marketable.


Multiple publishing deals were secured with major publishers. They saw growth in the core and new business, an uptick in traffic, and self-reported increased brand recognition.

Image by Bannon Morrissy

Hydration focused beverage company explores methods to increase brand awareness, grow existing products and launch a new product.

Image by charlesdeluvio


An electrolyte drink and powder company, needed to develop increased brand awareness and drive sales in preparation for their newest product release. 

Image by Boxed Water Is Better


We developed a multi-layered PR strategy that regionally marketed to their target audiences and prepared them for their newest drink launch targeted towards kids. We created a partnership with Bethany Frankel, a former cast member of The Real Housewives of New York City who is now on CNBC Money Court with Kevin O’Leary, to promote their products.


We secured over 50 media placements, including 12 on television, and secured social media influencers who had millions of followers. Our campaign drew a 322% increase in site visitors from the United States and resulted in a triple-digit increase in revenue.

Food & Beverage
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