“Business isn’t just B2B or B2C anymore. It is now H2H, human to human connectivity.” – Raoul Davis
Nurturing a business or a brand to reach thousands of people takes dedicated focus and clear directions. Raoul Davis, CEO of Ascendant Group shares how to build a stronger CEO brand in a competitive market on Kerri Salls’ podcast: 3X Growth Values Podcast.
One of Davis’ strategies for building a successful brand is human connectivity that creates genuine connectivity among buyers. On the 3X Growth Podcast, Davis shares advice on how to build a stronger brand in a competitive marketplace.
#1 Determine your target audience
Start by asking yourself these questions. Who are the people that need your products or services? How can you connect them to your product emotionally? What is their gender, age brackets, and salaries. Finding out as much information on your target audience will help you identify how to properly market and create a unique niche.
#2 Add Value
In this day in age where marketing and advertising is overly saturated, in order to gain your audience’s attention, you must be bringing something valuable to the table. Whether that is a solution to a problem or educational materials; give your audience a reason to learn your name. If you give you first, you will receive loyal shoppers in return.
#3 Speak Human
Humans respond to emotions. We’re always looking to relate to someone and feel that person understands us. The best way to do that in business is to tell your story. Share the mission statement and values of your company. Also express how your company got started and some of the difficulties. When you speak on a level of love, humans tend to listen.
As the podcast concluded, Raoul Davis brings to close that building a stronger brand not only increases your topline revenue, but it also builds a legacy for you and your family. Visit 3X Growth Values to listen to the interview.